ゲノム情報工学研究室の研究概要(Research outline)


In 2003, the six countries, the U.S., the U.K., Japan, France, Germany, and China, announced completion of the Human Genome Project. It is expected that this success will enable us to elucidate the function of approximately 20,000 genes in the human genome and develop drugs for the treatment of diseases. After the completion of the Human Genome Project, large-scale genetic engineering experiments for human genes have begun to elucidate biological mechanisms and develop medicine. Because of this, computer analysis of the enormous experimental data obtained from large-scale genetic engineering experiments is essential. Therefore, we have conducted various gene studies through a large-scale molecular biological experiments and computer analyses.

遺伝子発現解析(Gene expression analysis)DNA配列解析(DNA sequence analysis)蛋白質三次元構造解析(Protein 3D-structure analysis)


山田洋一准教授(Yoichi Yamada, Associate professor)


科目名開講時期曜日時間帯講義室(lecture room)
ゲノム生物学特論A(Advanced Genome Biology A)修士前期Q1木曜3限305syllabus
ゲノム生物学特論B(Advanced Genome Biology B)修士前期Q2木曜3限305syllabus
バイオ工学研究概論[Introduction to Researches in Bioengineering]3年後期Q4金曜4限自然科学本館(総合研究棟Ⅴ) 306講義室syllabus
ゲノム科学B3年前期Q2火曜2限自然科学本館(総合研究棟Ⅳ) 203講義室syllabus
バイオデータベース演習B2年前期Q2金曜3限自然科学本館(総合研究棟Ⅴ) 計算機実習室(1) syllabus
バイオ工学基礎A2年前期Q1金曜2限自然科学本館(総合研究棟Ⅴ) 203講義室syllabus
バイオ工学基礎B2年前期Q2金曜2限自然科学本館(総合研究棟Ⅴ) 105講義室syllabus
生命理工学概論B1年後期Q4火曜2限自然科学本館(総合研究棟Ⅳ) 101講義室syllabus
化学ⅠB1年前期Q2月曜2限総合教育講義棟 B5講義室syllabus

連絡先(Contact address)

〒920-1192 石川県金沢市角間町
金沢大学 理工学域 電子情報学類 ゲノム情報工学研究室

Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa 〒920-1192
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
Yoichi Yamada(E-mail:yamada-y[at]se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp)
